Monday, December 5, 2011

Blog #9 Bucket List


This is My Bucket List
#1 Go Skydiving
#2 Visit Australia
#3 Cruise around the world
#4 Build a Structure in the world
#5 Become an Eagle Scout
#6 Earn 1 Million Dollars in my life time
#7 Bungee Jump
#8 Run a Marathon
#9 Drive the fastest car in the world
#10 Create something that helps save the planet

Blog #7

              So far in IQuest I have yet to get and internship. My interests are in either Computer Engineering or Civil Engineering because I am interested in both and hope to pursue a career in either of those topics.
The frustrations in this is that I have no intership so I am not able to further myself in these topics or in work experience either. I have done research on both of these careers and still am very interested in both.

Blog #6

              My book is called Pushing the limits, New adventures in Engineering by Henry Petroski.
The first 2 chapters in this book are called Art in Iron and Steel, and Bridges of America.
These first two chapters are describing the large structures around the world and the fascinating ways that they came to be. The purpose of this book is to explain the people's thoughts that went throught their heads in order to build these structures.
             I am really enjoying this book because it is explaining to me how everything I have been studying in school can be put and addressed into the real world and building the structures of the world.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Quest Blog #5

"Every day may not be good, but there's something good in everyday" I liked this quote because it talks about a few things, the journeys in life and that everybody needs to think positive and happy thoughts no matter what happened. People need to find the one positive out of a big negative. This quote talks about the journeys in life because you can't take a second step without taking the first so all of your even better days may come from your bad days and that's the easiest positive thing to find in each bad day is that it creates your life's journey. Heart

Saturday, October 1, 2011

IQuest Blog #3

        Character counts is very important within the country and just even our school district in Cal High. It focuses on being trustworthy, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. All of these are very important and should each be followed almost religiously.
        The one subject of all of these that I'm focusing on is responsibility because I think it is the most important one of them all. The reason I think resposibility is so important is because it is taught to us throughout our lives and we use it every single day, in sports, school, job, family. You need to be responsible in every single one of those and more. You have to take care of yourself and others and actually know what you are doing. Responsibily is just one a of the few moral laws in character counts that should be followed.

Friday, September 30, 2011

IQuest Blog #2

This is my senior year of high school, I am going to set a lot of goals in my future and in this current school year before I graduate. I learned about SMART goals and what they mean. SMART goals are Specific Measureable Attainable Realistic and Time goals. Whenever a goal is created it should meet the SMART goals standards. I have lots of SMART goals set  Another one of my SMART goals is to find an internship in civil engineering for my iQuest class.
I also learned to make a One, Five, and Ten year goal for my future. It doesn’t have to be about iQuest itself but what I want to do for my future. My one year goal is to work towards and accomplish my eagle project and to become an eagle scout. My five year goal is to graduate from college and get a career in engineering that will hopefully set my future. My ten year goal is to have a higher up job in my career in engineering and to have started a family. All three of my goals are SMART goals, and I can’t hesitate for a moment if I want to accomplish all of these goals. I can’t start to relax and not try in school I need to get the best grades I can. I need to save money and spend it wisely so I can have afford college and things for my future. Overall I have some pretty set goals for my future and I need to strive to accomplish them using SMART goals.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

IQuest First Blog Post

My name is Justin Dearborn and my goal is to become an engineer. I am a senior at California High School and planning on graduating in the summer of 2012. My goals for this year are to finish my eagle project to become an eagle scout and to enter an engineering type internship. Another thing that will be going on in my life at that time is trying to get straight A's and applying to many different colleges.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Print Vs Digital

Print Advantages:

  1. Lower Initial cost
  2. Better at capturing detail in whites and blacks
  3. Film is still higher resolution
  4. More forgiving of minor focusing issues
  5. More forgiving of exposure problems
Print Disadvantages:
  1. Cameras are heavier
  2. Film can taker up a lot of space
  3. Film is a continuing cost
  4. Film must be developed before viewing
  5. Unless you have a darkroom, you are dependent on the lab to edit your images
Digital Advantages:

  1. Cameras a generally lighter
  2. Memory cards are small and portable
  3. One memory card can store more images than a dozen rolls of film
  4. Images can be viewed immediately
  5. You can edit your images and many cameras have built-in filters
Digital Disadvantages:
  1. Higher initial cost
  2. Doesn't have the same features as a film camera
  3. Potential equipment failures
  4. Low-light performance 
  5. Need for a computer literacy 
Masoner, Liz. "Film Photography vs Digital Photography - Advantages and Disadvantages of Film Photography and Digital Photography." About Photography - Photography Lessons, Forums, Photo Tips, Reviews and More. Web. 31 Jan. 2011